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Q: Many colonists from what country came to the new world to avoid tyranny?
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How did salutary neglect influence religion?

These acts allowed the colonists more religious freedom than any other country in the world at the time making them unique

Explain why the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are generally considered to be the greatest documents in America and World History?

The Declaration of Independence was risky because it basically called out the greatest country in the world at the time on their tyranny. The Constitution outlined the freedom that every American citizen now enjoys.

What causes tyranny?

This is a broad subject and can only be answered in a general way. Here are some causes of tyranny in a country:A. Tyranny can be the result of being conquered and occupied by a tyrannical outside force such as Nazi Germany or Stalin's Soviet Union. Despite attempts to build a strong army, Poland was no match for the overwhelming forces of Nazi Germany and soon after the "occupation" of the other half of Poland by Stalin's Soviet Union.The Poles had no choice but to accept their fate. The example of Poland is one answer to the "tyranny" question.B. Tyranny can result in a country's population to be fooled by a political party such as the Nazi's in Germany in the early 1930's. Here the people of Germany were looking for strong leadership and to find someone or some political party to re-focus Germany's economy and regain a place of respect among the nations of the world. Sadly, they did not bargain for what Hitler & the Nazi Party brought to them once they gained power. The military, early on saw the dangers of a Hitler & worked on several plots against his life to save Germany from destruction. They failed, and when they took action in 1943 to assassinate him they failed again.C. Tyranny can be caused by allowing it to happen. What is meant by this is once again centered around Nazi Germany. France & Britain had the military power to put an end to the Nazi's who in their early years lacked the power to protect itself (in a manner of speaking ) from France & Britain. Tyranny in Europe before WW2 was the result of the policy of appeasement. In order to avoid another war, France & Britain negotiated with Hitler over Austria, and the Czechs. Without firing a shot, Hitler brought tyranny to these nations because the Allies thought they could avoid war by being fooled with Hitler's overall intentions.These are 20th century examples of how tyranny can be caused. There are many more examples in the recent history of the modern world.

What does tyranny is tyranny mean?

"Webster's New World Dictionary...College Edition..""TYR'-Norse God of War, son of Odin;1...arbitrary; despotic 2.harsh,cruel,unjust, oppressive, etc....seized power illegally.

Why was the old world able to dominate the new world?

The Old World (British) was able to dominate the New World (America) because there were products the Colonists needed to survive in the New World that they were not able to get in the New World. The Colonists relied on imports of tea and paper and other things.

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Spain was the first country to send explorers and colonists to the New World.

Why did colonists agree to fight in World War 1?

To protect their country .

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The colonists modeled their country from England

What was the first European country to send colonists to the new world and were did they go?

Spain, southwest

Why did Spain control so much of the world?

Spain was the first country to send explorers and colonists to the New World.

Why did Spain control so much the new world?

Spain was the first country to send explorers and colonists to the New World.

Why were the colonists powerless to stop the taxes from being enacted?

The British had the most biggest military in the world. Also Britain was thier mother country.

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Did colonists in british north American manage to avoid direct involvement in most of Britain's world wars' until the french and Indian war?

True. Because they lived on the other side of the world and did not directly deal with conflicts going on in Europe

How did salutary neglect influence religion?

These acts allowed the colonists more religious freedom than any other country in the world at the time making them unique

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Explain why the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are generally considered to be the greatest documents in America and World History?

The Declaration of Independence was risky because it basically called out the greatest country in the world at the time on their tyranny. The Constitution outlined the freedom that every American citizen now enjoys.