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No one survives slavery, unless they escape or are freed. When you are a slave, you are a slave for life.

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Q: How many slaves survive slavery?
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What did slaves doto survive the hardships of slavery?

slaves had to run tored the north star to get free

What was true about the underground railroad?

many northerners learned about slavery by personal contact with slaves.

Why did slavery exist for so long?

The reason why is because the white had many crops to help them and there family survive and because people back then thought so many slaves left they always brought them back the slaves should do it a little longer.

Who motherwas sold into slavery?

Many slaves mothers

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Where did the slave abolition lead to in America?

The abolition of slavery in America, led to the freeing of slaves. But, it also forced freed slaves to have to survive in a country that still has racism to this very day.

How many boys are slaves?

Well slavery should be over

What was the purpose of folktales?

the purpose of folktales was to teach lessons about how to survive under slavery. Folktales reassured slaves that they could survive by outsmarting more powerful slaveholders.

What part did the British have in slavery?

The British had a large part in slavery in that the many of the British people were purchasers of slaves. They also held slaves and farmed with slave labor.

After slavery was abolished why slaves could vote?

Salves could not vote for many years after slavery was abolished.

How many slaves does Alabama have?

They don't have any slaves. Slavery has been against the law since 1867.

How did the southerners justify slavery?

Many things were used to justify slavery. One of the arguments was that without slavery the people who were slaves would be living in worse conditions. Another was that The Bible gave them permission to have slaves and that slavery had been accepted worldwide for thousands of years. Another excuse was that by making people slaves Christian souls were saved and that Northern factory workers were not as well off as slaves. That slavery was a positive good and that the slave owner could protect and guide the slaves. Finally, that the slaves were needed to do the work.