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Now, there are an estimated 4000-7500 snow leopards left in the wild.

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Q: How many snow leopards did there used to be before they became endangered?
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How did the snow leopards become endangered?

Deforestation. Also, many poachers wanted their pelts, along with the Asians because the needed some body parts for medicine.

How many African Wild Dogs were there before they became endangered?

About 500,000 in 39 countries

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As a species, leopards are not endangered. But many subspecies are. See IUCN Redlist for list of endangered leopard sub species.

When did leopards become endangered?

The biggest threat to lemurs is destruction of habitat.

What endangered animals are there?

There AAre Many Endangered Animals Such As Orangutans,Leopards,Dolpins And Giant Pandas Too . Go To For More Information .

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The Dhole has become endangered for many reasons. Loss of habitat and prey base, disease such as rabies ,inter specific competition for prey with Tigers and Leopards.

How many people like snow leopards?

None because they are never seen by most people !!!!!!!!!! >Lots of people like snow leopards, there are big organizations out there to help them because they are endangered.

How many animals in Africa are endangered?

Its nearly uncountable but lions, cheetahs, leopards, elephants...ect. they are dying every hour.

How many species of the panthera genus are endangered?

All six tiger subspecies, Amur and Arabian leopards, Asiatic lion.

How old are leopards as a species?

Many scientist believe that leopards have been around before humans. Leopards live in West Asia, Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.

What animals are endamgered animals?

Many animals are endangered Polar bears tigers leopards Rhine both white and black Pandas the list is huge