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Scientist say there MIGHT be billions of solar systems in the Milky Way but I believe we are the only one!

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Q: How many solar systems are estimated to be in the milky way?
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What are the other solar systems like The Milky Way?

Our solar system is like many out there, but not an exact copy.

How many solar systems in milky way galaxy?

Scientists estimate that there are around 58 billion star systems in our Galaxy.

Is Jupiter outside the milky way galaxy?

No. The milky way galaxy consists of our solar system and many other solar systems. Since Jupiter is part of our solar system, you can safely conclude that it is indeed a part of this Galaxy.

What are there anythings outside the solar system?

Yes, for our solar system is just one of the many solar systems of the universe. In the universe, there are countless galaxies such as our Milky Way, which contain countless solar systems such as ours, that is located on an arm of the Milky Way. Solar systems are just systems of planets, asteroids, comets, etc kept in revolutions around a star from the force of gravity. There are many more stars out there besides just our star, which could just be random stars or could be big enough to create a solar system. Thus, there are many objects out there besides our own solar system. Hope this helps!

How is a solars system different from a milky way?

The Milky Way is a Galaxy and a Galaxy is made up of many billion solar systems. A Solar System (Sol means sun) contains a star or stars and planets revolve around them

Which is bigger solar system or Milky Way?

The Milky Way galaxy is significantly bigger than our solar system. Using the Oort Cloud as a marker to signify the outer edges, our solar system has a diameter of about 3.2 light years (or 200,000 AU). In comparison, the Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years across, which makes it 31,250 times bigger than our solar system.

Can a galaxy be bigger than a solar system?

Yes, they certainly can be. In fact, Galaxies are clusters of solar systems, so they always will be. For example, our solar system is just one of many in the galaxy "Milky Way." We reside around one in many specks of light roughly midway between the edge and center of the Milky Way.

Is Earth located in the center of the milky way galaxy?


How many solar systems does the Milky Way?

milky way is a galaxy which consists of countless numbers of stars,asteriods,meteors,dust ,rocks ,etc ,.the solar system refers to our system which includes the sun and the nine planets. There are currently 278 stars in the milky way galaxy around which planets have been discovered.

Is there another solar systems in the universe?

Yes. There are many other solar systems in the universe. In fact thereis the probability for some 200 billion solar systems inour ownMilky Way galaxy alone, because our sun is one of 200 billion stars in the Milky Way.

How many years does it take the solar system to circle the milky way?

It takes a quarter of a billion years for the solar system to circle the milky way

How many planets are in solar system milky way?

There are trillion trillion planets in our galaxy