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Q: How many soldiers died and what was the total number of soldiers who died in the war?
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I have no Idea I have the same question :(

How many soldiers died in the Korean War?

2,448,095 soldiers died in total in the Korean war.

How many soldiers have died total?

well in total of british soldiers that died, it is about 50,000. i think thats right. improve this answer if you think this is wrong.

How many soldiers died at cold harbor?

A total of 2,632 soldiers died as a result the Battle at Cold Harbor. Of these, 1,844 were Union soldiers and 788 were Confederate.

How many soldiers died during the the civil war?

Roughly 620,000 in total.

How many us soldiers died in vietnam?

A total of 58,168 American soldiers died in Vietnam during the Vietnam War!!

How many RAF soldiers have died in Afghanistan?

4 in total all from the RAF Regiment.

How many soviet soldiers died in Afghanistan?

A total of 14,453 including disease and accidents.

How many New Hampshire soldiers died in the civil war?

14,000 died from the New Hampshire 1st regiment 7,000 died from the New Hampshire 50th Regiment Total of 21,000 New Hampshire soldiers died

How many New Zealanders have died in wars?

In World War I, around 17,000 died. In world war II around 12000died, bringing the total of the two wars to 29,000. A much smaller amount have died in other wars.

How many people died in the union army during the civil war?

Around 110,070 Union soldiers died battle-related deaths, and about 250,152 died of disease. In conclusion, 360,222 soldiers died total.

How many us soldiers died in Somalia?

18 U.S. Soldiers died during the operation Oct. 3rd and 4th and 1 died on the 6th in a mortar attack. 19 total.