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two i belive. look it up

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Q: How many solstices are there in a year?
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How many hours are there during solstices?

There are 24 hours during solstices, just like every other day of the year.

How many solstices are in a year?

two i belive. look it up

How many solstices does the northern hemisphere have?

The northern hemisphere experiences two solstices: the summer solstice in late June and the winter solstice in late December. These solstices mark the longest and shortest days of the year, respectively.

What are solstices and?

The're the longest and shortest days of the year!

What are equinox and solstices?

The're the longest and shortest days of the year!

What are the difference between the equinoxes and the solstices?

The equinoxes and solstices are the first days of seasons. On the equinoxes, night and day is the same length. On the solstices, the day is either the longest or the shortest day of the year, depending on which solstice it is and which hemisphere you are in,

When do solstices occur each year?

The Solstices occur each year when the Sun reaches its northernmost apparent position, and again when it reaches the southernmost apparent position. These occur at midwinter and midsummer. This year, (2011), 21 June and 22 December.

Does the leap day affect when equinoxes and solstices occur?

Yes. If we did not insert the leap day during leap year, the calendar date of the equinoxes and solstices would change and eventually come at very different times in the calendar year. The whole purpose of Leap Year/Leap Day is to keep our calendar aligned with the equinoxes, solstices, and seasons in general.

When do the solstices take place in The northern hemisphere?

The solstices take place at different times each year. The next one in the northern hemisphere is December 21, 2012 at 11:12 AM.

What is happening every half year?

A lot of things. equinoxes, solstices, (as a few) you need to elaborate more :)

What are the two days of the year called when the sun is directly overhead at either 23.5 north or south?

The solstices.

What and when are the solstices?

The solstices are the longest and shortest days of the year; there are always two every year. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice (longest day) is usually June 20 or 21 and the winter solstice (shortest day) is usually December 20 or 21. In the Southern Hemisphere, the summer solstice (longest day) is usually December 20 or 21 and the winter solstice (shortest day) is usually June 20 or 21.