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around 400. it really depends on the size of the song

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Q: How many songs fit on a gigabyte?
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How many songs can fit on a 64 Gigabyte iPod Touch?

The average iTunes song is around 8 megabytes, so about 8,192 songs can fit on 64 gigabytes.

How many songs can fit on a 80 GB?

The number of songs that will fit in 80 gigabytes is dependent on the bitrate of the music being stored. Using AAC format at 128 Kbps, it is estimated about 19,000 songs will fit in 80 gigabytes.

How many songs can fit on 125 GB?

depends...if all your songs were 5mb it would be able to hold 50000 songs :)

How many karaoke songs fit on flash drive?

Can a 256 gb hold as much as 30k karaoke songs

How many songs fit on a micro SD card?

That will depend on how big the card is. A standard mp3 is going to be about 4 MB, so with a 1 GB (which is 1000 MB), you can fit ~250 songs. If your songs are 2-3 minitues long and your card is 2 GB you can hold 516 songs.

How many songs can you fit on a 4 gigabyte flash drive?

You can save about 40-50 depending on the songs megabite! Hope this helps you :8-)

How many songs can fix on a 1tb external hard drive?

250 3-4 minute songs can fit in 1 GB. 1 TB is 1,536 GB. So, about 384,000 3-4 minute songs can fit in one TB.

How many songs can you fit on a 32gb memory stick?

A 32 GB memory stick should hold around 7,000 songs or 40 hours of continuous video.

How many songs in 8 GB?

When i used to sell ipods we said 250 songs per GB so i would say 2000. However, this could be more or less as this is based on songs with an average of 4mb. This is just a general rule because if you listen to songs which are generally short, like punk, you could fit alot more and vice versa if you listen to longer classical style songs you would fit less.

How many songs fit in a 8 GB micro SD card?

It depends on the size of the songs that you wnt to put on your phone. Each song has mb, bytes, gb etc... These play factor in adding up to 8GB.

How many songs fit on 256 gigabytes?

Generally, it depends on how big the file of your music is. The bigger the music file, the less music files can be fit inside. The smaller the music files, the more music files can be fit inside the 256 mb mp3 player. To fit in more songs, I would suggest compressing the music files.

How many songs is 2 gigabytes?

800 songs