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Q: How many spartan warriors fought in the Trojan war?
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What is the Trojan war?

The Trojan war was a war between the ancient Greek city-state Troy and the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta and their allies. The war started because Paris from Troy went to Sparta as a guest of the Spartan king, Menelaus. In Sparta Paris fall in love with the Spartan queen, Helen and she came back with him to Troy. Menelaus wanted to have his wife back so he invaded Troy with his army. The war was really long but the Spartans (it is said in Greeks myths)finally managed to get past the Trojan walls by giving them a huge horse made of wood where the Spartan warriors hide. The Trojans didn't know that so they received the gift and thought that the war was over, but at night the Spartan warriors went out the horse, opened the doors and the Spartan armies with their allies fall over Troy.

How many Greeks fought in the Trojan war?


How many Greeks fought against the Persians at the battle of Thermopylai?

300 Spartan Hoplites (armoured warriors) plus 2,000 of their Helots (serfs used as light infantry), plus contingents from other cities totalling 7000.

Which battle is considered the most glorious defeat in greek history?

if you asked 100 people what the most famous defete in spartan, or even greek history, the awnser for many people would be the battle of thermopoly fought in 480 before christ

When was the Trojan story written?

It is a famous story from Greek myth/history in the Bronze Age or thereabouts. Greeks and Trojans were at war for many years. Greeks made the Trojan horse as a trick - filled it with warriors, then left it as a 'gift' at Troy's impregnable gates & pretended to withdraw. The Trojans fell for it, the warriors poured out, and Troy was destroyed.

When was the Trojan horse story written?

It is a famous story from Greek myth/history in the Bronze Age or thereabouts. Greeks and Trojans were at war for many years. Greeks made the Trojan horse as a trick - filled it with warriors, then left it as a 'gift' at Troy's impregnable gates & pretended to withdraw. The Trojans fell for it, the warriors poured out, and Troy was destroyed.

What side is Calypso on during the Trojan War?

Calypso wasn't on any side. She was trapped on her island. Odysseus sailed onto her island and stayed with her for many years. He fought in the Trojan war, but Calypso never was on a side.

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600 Conquistadors landed in Mexico, but Cortes gained troops as he marched to Tenochtitlan

Who were conquered and enslaved by Spartans?

The Messenians. They were not slaves, they were serfs, that is they were required to farm the land and deliver half their produce to Sparta. When the Spartans went to war they took 7 serfs (helots) for each Spartan infantryman to use as light infantry support (and coincidentally reduce the risk of an uprising in the absence of the Spartan warriors). When the Spartans lost many warriors in ongoing wars, they recruited serfs a heavy infantry, and granted them freedom after satisfactory service.

How many Spartans were there for every helot?

Each Spartan citizen was allotted the produce of seven helots to support them. They also took seven helots to war for each Spartan warrior - these acted as light infantry, and at the same time reduced the threat of a helot uprising at home while the Spartans were away. At the battle of Plataea in 479 BCE, there were 5,000 Spartan hoplites (armoured warriors) and 35,000 helot light infantry.

How many children started the spartan program on halo?

300 to 400 in the spartan 1 project, 250 to 300 in the spartan 2 project, and less then 200 in the spartan 3 project.

How many Trojan soldiers were in the Trojan war?

10,050,250 were to osdsdyseus