

How many spiders does an average person digest a year?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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Approximately, 2 to 3, according to scientific research.

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Q: How many spiders does an average person digest a year?
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Who many spirders do you eat a year?

I have read that the average person eats about 12 spiders per year in their sleep.

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How many bugs are mistakenly eaten each year?

I've heard that each person eats an average of 8 spiders a year. Most likely when we are sleeping I think.

How many spiders does the average human really eat?

Very few... Spiders are instinctively terrified of anything that reminds them of predators, i.e. mammals and birds. Therefore, they shy away from body heat, movement, breathing, and other normal signs of a human. Anyway, there aren't many spiders in your bedroom, and those that are are usually in the shadowy corners, not in your bed. For a more detailed source, go to

How many spiders do humans swallow a year when you are asleep?

A common urban legend passed around via email is that that average person will swallow 8 spiders while sleeping during their lifetime.This is true. It isa "statistic" made up for the sole purpose of being passed around on the internet to gross people out. Although it is disgusting many need spiders to survive.See the related links section for the Snopes article about it.

How many spiders do people eat when asleep?

This is an urban myth. In order for a sleeping person to swallow a live spider there would involve many highly unlikely circumstances. There are no formal scientific or medical records of anyone ever swallowing a spider while sleeping.

How many average spiders are on 1 acre of land?

Ive read 80000 spiders per acre. Sounds like a lot, but many live in the trees and bushes as well.

How many spiders does an average person really eat in their sleep in their lifetime and are there documented studies that proved this and if so where can the data from these studies be found?

you eat about 7-8 a yearActually it's a myth. There is no scientific or medical proof that spiders crawl into humans mouths as they sleep. It's not 4 spiders a year and it's not a pound of spiders in a lifetime, it's just plain untrue

How many spiders does the average person swallow while sleeping in a lifetime?

swallowed a spider and feel some slight pain inside

how many spiders can kil humans in the world?

While there are many species of Spiders in the world, only a small number of them are dangerous to humans. The number of spiders that can kill humans varies depending on the toxicity of their venom and the susceptibility of the person who has been bitten.While there are many species of spiders in the world, only a small number of them are dangerous to humans. The number of spiders that can kill humans varies depending on the toxicity of their venom and the susceptibility of the person who has been bitten. While there are many species of spiders in the world, only a small number of them are dangerous to humans. The number of spiders that can kill humans varies depending on the toxicity of their venom and the susceptibility of the person who has been bitten.While there are many species of spiders in the world, only a small number of them are dangerous to humans. The number of spiders that can kill humans varies depending on the toxicity of their venom and the susceptibility of the person who has been bitten.While there are many species of spiders in the world, only a small number of them are dangerous to humans. The number of spiders that can kill humans varies depending on the toxicity of their venom and the susceptibility of the person who has been bitten.While there are many species of spiders in the world, only a small number of them are dangerous to humans. The number of spiders that can kill humans varies depending on the toxicity of their venom and the susceptibility of the person who has been bitten. In general, there are around 30-40 species of spiders that are considered medically significant to humans. These include species such as the black widow, brown recluse, funnel-web spider, and the Brazilian wandering spider, among others. However, it is important to note that even among these species, spider bites are rare and fatalities are even rarer. It is also worth noting that the vast majority of spiders are not harmful to humans and are in fact beneficial as they help to control insect populations.

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