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They have hundreds of spines; depending on the breed. See Related Links.

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Q: How many spines do echidnas have?
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Related questions

How long are Echidnas' spines?

The echidnas' spines are up to 50 mm (5 cm) in length.

Do echidnas have spikes?

no they have spines

How many legs does an echidna have?

Echidnas have a tiny mouth and a toothless jaw.

What skin has?

Echidnas have thick, insulating fur with many spines for protection. It isn't really spiny skin.

Do echidnas have dry scales?

No. Echidnas are mammals, and mammals do not have scales. Echidnas have skin covered by thick fur, and spines growing throughout the thick fur.

What is the correct name beginning with the letter q for the spines of the echidna?

Spines IS the correct term when referring to the echidna. The questioner is probably looking for the answer "quills", but this word is usually used in reference to the porcupine. Echidnas and porcupines are not related at all. Therefore, echidnas have spines and porcupines have quills.

Do monotremes have fur?

Yes. Both types of monotremes - platypuses and echidnas - have fur and lay eggs. In addition, echidnas have sharp spines, but these protrude from its body through a layer of thick fur.

Are monotremes covered in skin?

Monotremes are covered with skin, but over the skin they have fur. Both platypuses and echidnas have fur, and echidnas also has sharp spines.

What is the synonym for echidna 'spines'?

Spiny Anteater is another name for the echidna. However, echidnas are not related to anteaters at all, despite the name. Echidnas are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals, while anteaters a placental mammals. Echidnas have sharp spines, hence the name 'spiny' and they feed primarily on termites, as well as ants.

What animal with spines lays eggs?

The echidna is an animal which lays eggs. The echidna is covered in spines. Like platypuses, echidnas are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.

What is an indigenous story about echidnas?

An indigenous story about how the echidna got its spines can be found at the related link below.

What do echidna use there spines for?

The spines of an echidna are for defence. They are quite sharp, and deter many predators except for snakes. When threatened, an echidna will dig quickly, disappearing horizontally into the ground, with only its spines showing, until it has dug itself in completely.