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Q: How many ss officers are still alive?
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Is Joachim Peiper of the Waffen SS still alive?

He was murdered in France having moved there to write his memoirs I believe.

Who was involved in killing Jews?

SS officers in the camps

Do I draw full amount of my husbands social security?

If hubby is still alive, you can receive up to half of his SS benefit. If hubby is deceased, you can receive up to all of what he would earn if he were still alive.

Are there any SS men alive today?

In my neighbourhood there lives a 87 year old SS-man from the SS-Panzerdivision Wiking. He is physically as fit as me - and I am only 48. I still see him riding his mountain-bike sometimes.

Why did the SS officers choose the strongest Jews?

there was a not always a reason for every choice that they made. Though the SS officers also chose the weakest, and for different tasks they used different criteria.

What did the Jews call SS officers?

If they were allowed to speak to an SS officer they would refer to them by their rank, with Mr in front of it.

How many SS soldiers worked at Auschwitz?

Around 7,000 SS Soldiers worked at Auschwitz Concentration Camp during the Holocaust.

What is a species that has no members still alive?

It means that that species is extinct or (that spafic animal species has completely died

Are nazi soldiers still alive?

Certainly, I knew a man who was during the conflict- a crime-lab technician- Not a rated trooper or anything, for the Algemeine ( general) SS. This is not to be confused with the armed segment, the dreaded Waffen-SS, but plenty of them are still around, too, not to mention descendants.

Where there any female Nazi SS officers in the war like in the Indiana Jones movie?

YES sadly for many there were and some were just evil.

How tall were the boots that SS officers in the black uniforms wore?

They were from 5-7.8 cms

How many Waffen SS soldiers are still alive today?

Only the very young at the time of war would still be alive today, and they would be in their 90s, so I would guess just a couple of thousand at most, Their first hand accounts of their wartime memories good or bad should be documented for future generations before its too late.