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Q: How many stacked of toilet paper rolls would it take to make a tower 150m high?
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Is there a toilet in the Eiffel tower?

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What is another word for stacked?

heap, pile, mound, mountain, pyramid, tower.

How do you build a 65 inch paper tower with 1 sheet of paper and 12 inches of scotch tape?

To build a 65-inch paper tower with 1 sheet of paper and 12 inches of scotch tape, you can roll the paper into a tight cylinder to create the tower structure. Then, use the scotch tape to secure the edges of the paper cylinder to keep it in place and maintain the height of the tower. Make sure to tape the edges securely to prevent the tower from collapsing.

How do you build a paper tower out of one paper?

To build a paper tower out of one paper, begin by rolling the paper tightly into a cylinder to create the base of the tower. You can then fold and shape the remaining paper to create additional levels of the tower, stacking them on top of each other to increase the height of the tower. Be sure to secure each level in place to prevent the tower from toppling over.

How do you build a paper tower using 6 sheets of paper?

peanut butter

How do you build a newspaper tower?

scrunch up lots of paper balls and stickytape them together in a tower shape :]

What is the game called that is a tower of oblong bricks and they are stacked in rows of three on top of each other and alternate they way they are facing each level?


How do you make a homemade cat tower?

With lots of toilet roll tubes and good sticky tape :D

How do you build a paper tower?

dnt know how to do this help please