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We will never have any accurate answer, for several reasons.

1. We're inside the Milky Way, and there is at least a third of it that is hidden from view on the other side of the galactic core. Estimates as to the number of stars in our galaxy ranged up to 400 billion stars, but that was just a guess.

2. In the last year or so, the estimates have more than DOUBLED, because we now think that there are vastly more of the very small and dim "brown dwarf" stars. We now estimate that there may be a TRILLION stars in the Milky Way.

3. Andromeda is a very long way away; the only individual stars that can be seen are the few very brightest stars such as supernovas. But because Andromeda is, we think, even larger than the Milky Way, an estimate of a trillion stars is probably quite reasonable.

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The Andromeda nebula is a spiral galaxy which may be very similar to our own Milky Way. There is no way to count the stars there; it is too far away, and the stars all blend together.

It seems likely that the Andromeda nebula contains over a billion stars.

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The earth is part of galaxy called the milky way?

Yes, the Earth is in the Milky Way. Every star you can see in the sky at night is also in the Milky Way. With the naked eye, you cannot see any stars that are not in the Milky Way. The next nearest galaxy is Andromeda and it is just about visible with the naked eye, looking like a hazy dust in the sky, but you would not see any stars in it. It is the furthest thing away that we can see with the naked eye. It is hard to be accurate but it is about 2,500,000 light years away. That is about 14,674,284,000,000,000,000 miles away. To see stars in it, you'd need a very powerful telescope.

How many Red Dwarf Stars are there in the Milky Way Galaxy that we know of in October of 2011?

The Milky Way has somewhere between 100 and 400 billion stars; most of those are red dwarf stars.

What galaxy is Canopus from?

Yes. Every star that is visible to the naked eye is in the Milky Way galaxy. You need astonishingly powerful telescopes to distinguish even the largest and brightest stars in nearby galaxies.

Why is your galaxy called the milk way?

The Greek word Galaxy is "milk". The name Milky Way Galaxy is derived from the way intra-galaxy dust and clouds appear as they stream across the night sky.

What is the shape of a small galaxy with older stars very little dust and a bright center?

A small galaxy with those characteristics would be a dwarf elliptical galaxy, such as M32 (a companion to Andromeda). Most elliptical galaxies are larger than average galaxies, and some are among the largest, containing as many as a trillion (1012) stars.Elliptical galaxies generally have few young stars and more dust when compared to spiral galaxies such as the Milky Way or Andromeda.

Related questions

What galaxy is after Andromeda?

All stars and constellations that we can see are in the Milky Way galaxy.

Are there other planets Andromeda galaxy?

We expect the Andromeda galaxy to be just like our own Milky Way galaxy. We can see stars (suns) in the Andromeda Galaxy and just as stars have planets orbiting them in our galaxy, we believe that there must be planets also orbiting stars in the Andromeda galaxy.

What is our name of the galaxy?

Our galaxy is called milky-way. It had different kinds of stars, planets and super no a. It had hundreds to billions of stars in here Andromeda is more bigger than our galaxy, milky-way. Scientist says that milky-way and Andromeda will collide and will formed milkdromeda.

Is th sun is one of millions of stars in the Andromeda galaxy?

No. it is one of the billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

How many planets are in the Andromeda galaxy?

Astronomer's have not been able to count all the planets in the Andromeda Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy is home to one-trillion stars. The Andromeda Galaxy is expected to collide with the Milky Way in the next 4.5-billion years.

What is similar to the milky way?

The Andromeda Galaxy is similar to our galaxy. It is only a little bit bigger, and has more stars.

Do you know what is outside milky way Galaxy?

Yes, scientists know what is outside the Milky Way Galaxy. We know that the Andromeda galaxy is outside the Milky Way. The Andromeda is 300 million light years away from earth, and we have also mapped several stars, too.

How does the Andromeda galaxy compare with the Milky Way?

The Andromeda is a spiral galaxy with almost twice as many stars as there are in the Milky Way. Difficult to be certain, since we're INSIDE the Milky Way and cannot see all of it, and we can't be sure exactly how far away Andromeda is. However, we believe that Andromeda and the Milky Way are probably fairly similar, with Andromeda being slightly larger.

How does the Andromeda galaxy compare with the milky way galaxy?

They are both spiral galaxies, except the Milky Way is a barred spiral and the Andromeda is a typical spiral galaxy. The Andromeda has at least twice as many stars as the Milky Way, and it has more mass. The galaxies are going to merge in 4 billion years, and now they are about 2 million light years apart.

What galaxy will eventually collide with milkey way galaxy?

The Milky Way galaxy will collide with Andromeda, but it will take about a 2 billion years until they collide and finish. Earth will not get blown up, but by then, the sun will probably be out of hydrogen and expand. Then earth will be engulfed and all life will die.

What characteristics do Andromeda galaxy stars have?

Basically, the same characteristics that the stars in the Milky Way - our own galaxy - have. Aside from the fact that Andromeda is somewhat bigger, the two galaxies are thought by astronomers to be very much alike. When Edwin Hubble studied the Andromeda Galaxy in the early 20th century, he was able to discern within it several "Cephid variable" stars, which proved, among other things, that Andreomeda was a galaxy, like ours. Prior to that time, it was believed that the Milky Way was the only galaxy - the others were "clouds".

Why is there more gravity in the Andromeda galaxy than the milky way?

Because there are more stars therefore a stronger gravitational pull