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Q: How many states were carved out of land gained by the Louisianan purchase?
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How many states were carved out of the Louisiana Purchase? Name them

What states were carved from Spanish holdings?

None that were gained in the Spanish American War.

What happen to The Louisiana Purchase?

It was carved up into various Territories which later became States.

Who gained control of the Mississippi River?

The United States through the Louisiana Purchase.

What best describes the Louisiana Purchase?

Napoleon sold it to the United States for $15 million.A major international territorial sale is a most noted event. In terms of the 1803 purchase of the territory claimed by France in the Louisianan Territory, the best description is that it made a huge difference in the future of the United doubled the size of the united states

What was the effect of the gadsden purchase?

The United States gained land from Mexico to build a planned rail line

What did the US gain through The Louisiana Purchase?

The United States gained the New Orleans seaport

What was an effect of gadsden purchase?

the united states gained land from Mexico to build a planned rail line.

What was effect of Gadsden purchase?

The United States gained land from Mexico to build a planned rail line

What part of the US was gained through the mexican war and the gadsden purchase?

The United States received the states of California, Utah, and Nevada, as well as portions of New Mexico, Wyoming, Arizona, and Colorado as a result of the Mexican Cession. The Gadsen Purchase gave the southern portion of Arizon to the US.

How did the acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase shape the development of Louisiana?

It doubled the size of the United States.

Which were not states formed from territory gained in the Louisiana Purchase?

New York, Massachusetts, Vermont