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Q: How many steps do a toddler take to walk in one hour?
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If you take 14 steps every 10 seconds how many steps can you take in a hour?

1 hour = 3,600 seconds10 seconds = (10 / 3,600) = 1/360 of an hour.(14 x 360) = 5,040 steps in 1 hour, if you can keep it up for a whole hour.

How many seps for one hour walking?

Assuming an average walking speed of 120 steps per minute, you would take 7200 steps in one hour.

What should you do if your toddler gets hurt?

It depends on how hurt your toddler is and why he or she got hurt. If it is a minor cut or scrape, you can clean it, put a salve that is appropriate for toddlers on it, and cover it with a bandaid. If it is a serious cut, possible break, etc., you should take the toddler to the doctor. If someone hurt the toddler intentionally, you should take steps to protect the toddler from that happening again.

What should you do if you get hurt?

It depends on how hurt your toddler is and why he or she got hurt. If it is a minor cut or scrape, you can clean it, put a salve that is appropriate for toddlers on it, and cover it with a bandaid. If it is a serious cut, possible break, etc., you should take the toddler to the doctor. If someone hurt the toddler intentionally, you should take steps to protect the toddler from that happening again.

How many steps does it take to get from Phoenix to Gilbert?

It matters if you take small steps or big steps

What i can give to toddler in cough?

You will need to take the toddler to the doctor to get a prescription cough medicine.

How many steps do you have to take to hatch igglypuff in firered?

2,805 steps.

How many steps does it take to hatch a COMBEE egg?

it take 3,840 steps i actually got one after 4335 steps (male)

How many steps do you have to take to hatch a togapi egg?

2805 steps

How many steps does it take to hatch a Pidgey egg?

4080 steps =)

How many steps does it take for a Heracross egg to hatch?

6400 steps. :)