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Q: How many steps does a fire man latter have?
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How many step to be wise man?

15 steps

How many Fire Teams are in a squad?

Three four man fire teams

A man is on a boat the boat has a latter with 12 steps over the side The steps are 1 foot apart 5 steps are above the water and 7 are below water If the water were to rise 3 feet how much of the of?

Oh, the old ones are the best! No change because the boat rises with the water level.

What does a dog do that a man steps in?

A dog pants and a man steps in pants.

How many matches the man light at once in the to build a fire?

The man lights them one at a time.

How many steps are in 6.75 miles?

Different people have different step lengths. Going on average of 2.5 feet for a man, that is about 14256 steps.

How do you find the word a subjective clause modifies?

The control of fire was the first and perhaps greatest of humanity's steps towards a life-enhancing technology To early man, fire was a divine gift randomly delivered in the form of lightning, forest fire or burning lava.

If a man is standing on the middle step of a ladder he climbs down four steps and then up 9 to the top of the ladder how many steps are on the ladder?

11 rungs.

What causes a forest fire?

While many result from lightning, the sad truth is that many are caused by man.

When was Man on Fire released?

Man on Fire was released on 04/23/2004.

What was the Production Budget for Man on Fire?

The Production Budget for Man on Fire was $60,000,000.

What is a fire brigader called?

a fire man