

How many steps to hatch a Charmander in FireRed?

Updated: 5/10/2020
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10y ago

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Charmander's hatch time is from 5355 to 5609 steps.

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Q: How many steps to hatch a Charmander in FireRed?
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How many steps does it take to hatch a Charmander egg?

It takes at least 10,000 steps to get a turtwig egg you need to have a ditto and torterrea or grotle. To get a ditto you need to have a national dex and talk to Mr. Backot at the pokemon mansion before you talk to him SAVE because he probly won't say the rare pokemon ditto the first time. You don't have to turn off and turn back on and reboot and all that. You press L+R SELECT and START. Hope this helps

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