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Q: How many super balls are there in the toy story 3 ds game?
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How many grey balls are in a snooker game?

There are no grey balls in a standard game of snooker.

In the game cricket how many balls are in an over?

There are six balls in an over.

How many coloured balls are there in a game of pool?

Depending upon the game, there are from 7 to 21 colored balls.

How many red balls in the game of pool practice?

There is no game of pool practice, so there are no red balls. The 3 and 11 balls are red in the game of pool however.

How many balls are made for a World Cup game?

About 20 balls or more are made for a World Cup game.

How many striped balls are in the game of pool?

There are seven striped balls in billiards.

How many balls and stricks in a softball game?

3 strikes. 4 balls.

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Have many balls are in a game of pool?

The number of balls depends upon the game. All balls use a cue ball plus 7, 9, 15, or 21 numbered balls.

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How many red balls used in a game of snooker?

15 red snooker balls.

How many balls used in an NFL game?

The Host Team and the visiting team each provides 12 balls per game. The balls are inspected before the game to ensure that they meet specifications. Of course each team also has many "non-game" practice balls on hand.