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Q: How many swedish fish are in a 30.4 oz bag?
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How many Swedish fish in a 30.4 oz bag?


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the scientist

How do you put a fish in a tank without killing it?

Gently put the bag with the fish in it into the tank - slowly let the tank water and the bag water equalize and then slowly remove the bag, letting the fish swim freely in the tank. Place fish and bag in tank, wait twenty minutes. Poke six holes in bag with a paper clip or similar small device, wait twenty minutes. Gently rip bag open, and release fish. This procedure has never killed a fish in my personal experience. Gook luck, Joe.

How do you change your fish's water?

take the fish out and then dump new rocks on top after dumping the water out.. put the fish in a bag filled with water. this job could be difficult if you have a large amount of fish. it depends on how many fish you have

How do you fish in ruby?

Get rod then go in bag and fish in water areas

Does fish repreduce sexually?

no ... when fish are borned thay has a bag that is full of eggs and when it grows another fish comes and kiss in the mouth and breakes the bag ,the eggs come out and grow .

How many cups are in a 44.1 bag of dog chow?

There are 160 cups in a 40lb bag of dry food. This is based on Cannidae food.

What animal sleeps in a mucus bag?

The parrot fish sleeps in a mucus bag. This fish lives in the tropical coral reefs located in tropical oceans that are mainly around the equator. The parrot fish forms this mucus bag from a special gland in it body basically named the mucus gland. This bag that the parrot fish forms around its body is sticky and clear. I takes about a half hour to form and for the fish to break free in the morning. The mucus bag helps protect the fish during his sleep from predators and releases a sort of fragrance if you will to frighten predators away.

How can i freeze fish that we caught?

Gut it and clean it, then wrap each fish in a separate, sealed plastic bag, write fish on the bag and the date and then freeze it immediately. Eat it within a month.

What can you feed your baby molly fish?

you can feed it crushed up fish flakes. you put some fish flakes in a plastic bag grind then up with your fingers and get a toothpick wet it stick it in the bag and put it in the water.

How do you mummify a fish without repeating the process?

Mummify the fish's head using a bread bag. Then ask J-Don for a replacement bag. Then rap that around the fish's body and hit it off the floor several times to make it a muffiyied fish.