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There are three syllables like so: an-gri-ly.

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Q: How many syllables are in angrily and how is it broken up?
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How many syllables in furiously and broken up into syllables?

There are four syllables. Fur-i-ous-ly.

How many syllables does Scout have?

I believe 1 but it might be two if its broken up Sc-out

Where are the syllables broken up in announcer?

There are three syllables like so: an-noun-cer.

How do you break up the syllables in allowing?

There are three syllables broken up like so: al-low-ing.

What does 3 syllables mean?

It means a word is broken up into three syllables. A syllable is a unit of pronunciation. A word with three syllables is elephant. It is broken up into three parts when it's pronounced: el-e-phant.

How many syllables is the word pollution?

pol·lu·tion   [puh-loo-shuhn] source: dictionary.comthree syllables, as indictated by the dots or dashes2 dots/dashes = the word is broken up into three parts = three syllables

How is inspiration broken up into syllables?

There are four syllables divided like so: in-spi-ra-tion.

How do you break the word slipped into syllables?

Slipped only has one syllable so it cannot be broken up into syllables.

How do you break up the word song into syllables?

The word song contains only one syllable. As such, it cannot be broken up into multiple syllables.

How many syllables in mulled?

The word mulled has one syllable. To determine how many syllables a word has, say the word aloud and count how many "parts" is has. For example, when you say the word syllable, it is broken up into three parts - syll-a-ble.

What is silibisation?

I believe that the word you are looking for is syllabification. It means, breaking up a word into syllables. For example, the word inside can be broken up into two syllables, in side.

How do you break up Mississippi into syllables?

Mississippi is broken up into syllables like so: Mis-sis-sip-pi.