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There are three syllables like so: an-noun-cer.

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Q: Where are the syllables broken up in announcer?
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How many syllables in announcer?

there r 3 syllables in announcer

How many syllables are in the word announcer?

Announcer has 3 syllables. (an-nounc-er).

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There are four syllables. Fur-i-ous-ly.

What are the syllables of announcer?


What is the syllables for announcer?

an noun cer

How do you break up the syllables in allowing?

There are three syllables broken up like so: al-low-ing.

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There are three syllables like so: an-gri-ly.

What does 3 syllables mean?

It means a word is broken up into three syllables. A syllable is a unit of pronunciation. A word with three syllables is elephant. It is broken up into three parts when it's pronounced: el-e-phant.

How many syllables does announcer have?


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the word broken has 2 syllables

How is inspiration broken up into syllables?

There are four syllables divided like so: in-spi-ra-tion.

Can you divide the word announcer into correct syllables?

anncouncer has 3 syllables a~nounc~er