

How many syllables in counter?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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6y ago

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Q: How many syllables in counter?
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There are 4 syllables. :)

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How many syllables are in the word counter?

Two syllables. Count-er.

How many syllables in adorable?

Four syllables. If you ever have a doubt just clap your hands while you say the word or google "syllable counter" :)

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See the related link below this answer for an easy syllable counter. The word dreaming has 2 syllables.

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Ready - two syllables - Read-y.Heavy - two syllables - Heav-y.Winter - two syllables - Win-ter.Sort - one syllable - Sort.Port - one syllable - Port.Busy - two syllables - Bus-y.Storm - one syllable - Storm.Pretty - two syllables - Pret-ty.Herself - two syllables - Her-self.Council - two syllables - Coun-cil.Happily - three syllables - Hap-pi-ly.Breakfast - two syllables - Break-fast.Library - three syllables - Li-brar-y. (Some pronunciations are 2 syllables: lib-ray)Counter - two syllables - Coun-ter.Exercise - three syllables - Ex-er-cise.Cupboard - two syllables - Cup-board.Parachute - three syllables - Pa-ra-chute.London - two syllables - Lon-don.England - two syllables - Eng-land.United Kingdom - five syllables - U-nit-ed - King-dom.Olympics - three syllables - O-lym-pics.

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There are 3 syllables in symphony:sym/pho/ny

How many syllables in the word stomach?

there are 2 syllables in stomach. To see why, search 'How many syllables in attack?'

How many syllables in syllables in amphibian?

4 syllables am- phi- bi- an

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Awake has two syllables. The syllables are a-wake.

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There are two syllables in "wistfully."

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There are 14 syllables.