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Say the word out loud; stress-full. It's different from saying "I", "the", "you", which are 1 syllable words isn't it?

Now try more 2 syllable words: "Yellow", pronounced yel-low; "wallet", pronounced wal-let; "comma", pronounced com-ma.

Now try some 3 syllable words: "recliner", pronounced re-cli-ner; "prettiest", pronounced pret-ti-est; "ugliest", pronounced ug-li-est; "understand", pronounced un-der-stand.

Are you beginning to see the pattern, and understand it better? Let's try some 4 syllable words: "honorable", pronounced ho-nor-a-ble; "ecosystem", pronounced e-co-sys-tem; "activity", pronounced ac-tiv-i-ty; "recommended", pronounced re-com-men-ded.

If you will go over the above words, saying them out loud and counting each syllable (syl-la-ble has 3 syllables), you should then have a good understanding of it.

You can also thumb through a dictionary, which breaks the words down into syllables, which should help, too.

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