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Q: How many synapses occur in s patella reflex?
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How many synapses are in a polysynaptic reflex arc containing 2 interneurons in the integrating center?

3 because there are regularly 2 synapses when there is only one interneuron. An extra neuron will add an extra synapse.

Which component of a reflex arc is located entirely within the central nervous system?

Many authors refer to the CNS portion of the reflex arc as the integration center.In regards to a monosynaptic reflex arc, the synapse is the only portion of the integration center.Polysynaptic reflex arcs, have multiple synapses and interneuron(s).

What is an electrical synapse?

Chemical synapses are much slower to react to stimuli. However chemical synapses transmit a signal with constant strength or even a signal that get stronger. This is called "gain." Electrical synapses are faster but have no "gain," the signal gets weaker as it travels along the synapse to other neurons. Electrical synapses are only used for applications where a reflex must be extremely fast. They are simple and allow for synchronized action. A benefit of electrical synapses is they will transmit signals in both directions. Chemical synapses have many important advantages as well. They are more complex and vary their signal strengths. Their functions are influenced by chemical outputs in the nervous system. Chemical synapses are the most common type.

What is the proper term for knee cap?

Patella. Why was this question asked so many times?

How many bones articulate with femur and patella?

The femur articulates with the patella, tibia, and OS coxae (hip bone). And the patella articulates with the femur only. So in all, not counting the femur and patella, two.

How many bones in the patella?

14 bones

How many synapses are there in the brain?

Around 100 trillion

Is the knee cap deep to the femur?

The knee cap or (Patella) is distal and superficial to the femur. There are many tendons of muscles that originate on the femur that insert in the the patella, thus the patella and femur are closely related anatomically.

How many synapses occur in this reflex arc?

there are 2 - one between the sensory and relay neurones; the other between the relay and motor neurones.

It is said that synaptic connections form so quickly in the babys brain that by the time the baby is three it will have twice as many synapses as it will need later on How are these extra synapses?

they are eliminated when they are not used

It is said that synaptic connections form so quickly in the baby's brain that by the time the baby is three, it will have twice as many synapses as it will need later on How are these extra synapses?

they are eliminated when they are not used