

How many teaspoons does it take to make 25g dry measure?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Depends what the dry material is.

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Q: How many teaspoons does it take to make 25g dry measure?
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How many teaspoons in a pound?

teaspoons are a measure of volume, pound is a measure of weightA teaspoon is a set volume, so it depends on what is in the teaspoon. It would take much fewer teaspoons of lead than flour to add up to a pound.

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1.5 oz of water is about 9 teaspoons.

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9 ml is 1.8 teaspoons

How many teaspoons does it take for 20 pound?

It depends on the substance. A pound (abbreviation lb.) is a measure of weight, while a teaspoon is a measure of volume. Twenty teaspoons of uranium would weigh more than 20 teaspoons of salt.

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.What are you taking?

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How many teaspoons does it take for 3 tablespoons?

3 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon. So 3 tbsp is 9 teaspoons.

14000 pounds equals how many tablespoons?

How many do you want it to be? Pounds are a measure of weight, while tablespoons (teaspoons, cups . . .) are a measure of volume. So, if it were a tablespoon of feathers, it make take several million to equal 14000 pounds. But if you were measuring lead, it would be significantly fewer, like maybe 200 thousand (just guessing that a tablespoon of lead is about an ounce).