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children usually have 20 teeth before they start to lose them (about at age 6). as adults, you have 32 (im not for sure whether this includes wisdom teeth, i dont think so)

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Q: How many teeth do you have when you are a kid not pulled out of your mouth?
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How many teeth does a kid have?

usually they are suspossed to have 24

Who many teeth does a kid have?

How many teeth does a kid have? That answer is 76 teeth!! It's amazing.... but true!!!! Believe it or not but kids under 10 should have 24 kids above 10 they might get 28

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you can have some candy but if you know you are a kid with cavities then don't even try it unless you want your teeth pulled lol but yea candy is good no Halloween.

How many teeth are in a childrens mouth?

Depends on the age. At birth people usually have 20 primary (baby) teeth, which often erupt about six months of age. They are then shed at various times throughout childhood. By age 21, all 32 of the permanent teeth have usually erupted. Marielaina Perrone DDS

How many teeth to you lose as a kid?

Children lose a total of 20 teeth. That is all the teeth that children get. Then their adult teeth start coming in and replacing their first set of teeth. They will get a total of 28 to 32 as adults.its about 20

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