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how many teeth does allosaurus have

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Q: How many teeth does allosaurus have?
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Were allosaurus grippers snippers stabbers or grinders?

The Allosaurus used its teeth and claws to eat.

How is the allosaurus unique?

The allosaurus had a unique body build, was strong, and had large teeth to eat meat.

What special characteristic traits does a allosaurus have?

Something special about an Allosaurus dinosaur is that it has huge sharp teeth unlike other dinosaurs.

What evidence shows what allosaurus' eat?

First, there is the skull shape and the large, curved, pointed, serrated teeth. The large skull is adapted to delivering mortal bite wounds, and the teeth are perfect for killing as well as shearing flesh off of a carcass. Allosaurus teeth couldn't be used effectively for eating plants. In addition, there are many fossil bones of herbivorous dinosaurs that bear tooth marks from Allosaurus.

Which will win rugops or allosaurus?

allosaurus. due to its size rugops would have a hard time battling its large enemy unless rugops was in a group. rugops had small slicing teeth used to eat meat and grip on prey, not designed for chomping prey and allosaurus had a weak bite force but with sharper teeth so allosaurus would win. allosaurus lived during the jurassic and rugops lived during the late cretaceous

What are an allosaurus special biological features?

It had a large build and big teeth.

How many horn does allosaurus have?

Allosaurus did not have horns.

Compare a apatasaurus and a allosaurus?

Both Allosaurus and Apatosaurus lived in the same area at the same time, and they were both Saurischian (lizard hipped) dinosaurs. Apatosaurus was an herbivore with four legs, a long neck, and a tiny head, and was many times larger than Allosaurus. Allosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a very large head and sharp teeth.

How many feet did the allosaurus walk on?

Allosaurus walked on two feet.

What is the allosaurus' most deadly weapon?

The Allosaurus's most deadly weapons were its teeth and jaws. The claws on its hands could be used as weapons, too, although they weren't nearly as lethal.

What type of allosaurus is classified?

There were many species of allosaurs. Allosaurus Fragilis, Allosaurus Atrox, and Allosaurus Amplexus, plus others. Some were nearly as large as T Rex.

Which dinosaur was able to hold it's prey in its mouth firmly due to teeth that curved backward?

Many apex predators evolved to have curved teeth in order to lock their meal firmly into their mouth, allosaurus is an example.