

How many theaters did Shakespeare opened during his life?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: How many theaters did Shakespeare opened during his life?
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Shakespeare lived and wrote in the Elizabethan Era, the English Renaissance.

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The King of England in the latter part of Shakespeare's life was James I.

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In England alone, about five million people lived at the same time as Shakespeare.

Who was the ruler of England during most of William Shakespeare's life?

Queen Elizabeth I was Queen for 39 of Shakespeare's 52 years.

What was life like during Shakespeare's lifetime?

very hard i would imagine.

Who reigned during William Shakespeare's life?

Queen Elizabeth I was the reigning monarch until 1603, when she was succeeded by James I who reigned through the remaining 13 years of Shakespeare's life.

Who was the primary ruler during most of shakespeare time?

Elizabeth I was queen at the time that Shakespeare was born and continued until he was 39. For the last 13 years of his life, James I was king. Elizabeth was queen for three-quarters of Shakespeare's life.

Who is the ruling monarch during William Shakespeare's life?

Elizabeth I, mainly. She died in 1603 and was succeeded by James I. Shakespeare died in 1616, so he was around a bit during James' reign.

Was shakespeare and his work not very popular during his life?

No, Shakespeare and his work were very popular during his lifetime. His plays were one of the reasons his theatre company became the top company in England.