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Q: How many three-letter codes can be made from 7 letters FGHIJKL if repetition of letters?
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What 3-letter codes can you make using the letters A-J-L-W?

If repetition is allowed the formula would be 4x4x4 = 64 codes. If you must chose a different letter each time (no repetition) the formula would be 4x3x2 = 24 codes.

How many 3-letter codes can be formed from the letters in the wped picture if letters cannot be repeated?

The number of 3-letter codes that can be formed without repetition is equal to the number of choices for the first letter (4 letters), multiplied by the number of choices for the second letter (3 letters), multiplied by the number of choices for the third letter (2 letters). Therefore, the total number of 3-letter codes that can be formed is 4 x 3 x 2 = 24.

What are alphanumeric codes?

Alphanumeric codes are a mixture of codes from letters and numbers.

How many letters and numbers are in the moshi monsters codes?

Secret codes do not have a fixed amount of letters and numbers, they could be any length.

How many 3-digit codes using the digits 0-9 are possible if repetition are allowed?


Who created coding?

Morse Code, created by Samuel Morse, was designed to transmit letters across the Telegraph system. He wanted frequently used letters to have short codes and less frequently used letters to have longer codes.

Do webkinz codes have both letters and numbers?

yes and no. various webkinz has both letters and numbers. but recently, all my webkinz codes have just letters. maybe that is what Ganz is doing now.

How can you solve hard math codes?

There are many ways to solve different maths codes. some may work with numbers turning into letters others may work with letters turning into different letters. some codes may have a letter 3 letters after it so say if the code was; ALD. 3 letters after A is D 3 letters after L is O and 3 letters after D is G so the word would spell "dog".

What are some easy code languages?

Some easy code languages include null codes, ciphers, and visual codes. Null codes involve putting unused, or "null" letters in with used letters, ciphers involve switching symbols in for letters, and visual codes involve using real symbols, such as the tip of a hat, as signs for something.

What are all the money codes in nflrz?

All are in the news letters

How do you enter the letters on cheat codes in Platinum?

I'm pretty sure you need to buy an action replay. there are letters and numbers on it so if you get one you can use all the action replay codes

Are codes in webkinz for the code shop all numbers?

No, they are letters and numbers.