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Q: How many three digit numbers are there such that sum of the squares of any two digits is equal to third digit?
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What is the formula to find number of three digit numbers such that sum of the squares of any two digits is equal to third digit?

N squared would be used to find the square root of a number or numbers. In order to find the number of three digit numbers such that the sum of the square results of any two digits are equal to the third digit the use of the formula (HOE)squared=Hsquared*10000+2HE*100+Esquared is needed.

The tens digit and the ones digit of a certain number are equal The sum of the squares of the digits of the number is 50 What is the number?

55 52+52 = 50

How many three digit numbers have the sum of their digits equal to 22?


What two digit numbers whose two digits added together equal 42 and multiplied together equal 82?

Two (or four) digits added together cannot equal 42. Two-digit numbers multiplied together cannot equal 82.

How many three digit numbers is average of three digits equal to 2?


How many 5-digit numbers have digits whose product is equal to 4?

There are 15 of them.

What is a four digit number with ascending digits whose first two numbers have a difference of two the third digit is even and the sum of the first three digits equal the last digit?


How many 3 digits whole numbers whose sum is 3?

There are no 3-digit whole numbers whose digits sum to 3. The smallest 3-digit number is 100, and the largest is 999, but in neither case is the sum of the digits equal to 3.

How many 3 digit numbers have the sum of their digits equal to 5?


How many three digit numbers equal 17?

There are no three-digit numbers that equal 17. In fact, there are no numbers with more or less than two digits that equal 17. In fact, in the whole infinite supply of numbers, there is only one single number that equals 17. That number is . . . . . . . 17 .

What two prime numbers equal a 400 digit number?

I'm sure there are more than 2 prime numbers that are 400 digits long.

How can you determine all 3 digit numbers which are equal to 11 times the sum of the squares of their digits?

It has to be something like 11*50=550 (5^2)+(5^2)=50 Therefore, 550 would be an answer. So far, that's the only one I have.