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She's a politician. That's what they do. They continue to do it because we let them get away with it.

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How many dummy pills does Hillary Clinton eat in one day?

Dummy pills are a waste of time and money when being consumed. It is not clear how many Hillary Clinton ate in one day since that is a personal issue. Of course, this is honestly a nonsense question intended to antagonize people who may support or agree with Hillary Clinton.

Who is the greatest American woman of all time?

Hillary Clinton

How many bills did hillary Clinton introduce?

During her time in the United States Senate from 2001 to 2009, Hillary Clinton sponsored and co-sponsored hundreds of bills. However, it is important to note that not all bills introduced by a senator are ultimately passed into law.

Does Hillary Clinton lie?

Everyone tells lies at some time.

Who comes after Hillary Clinton?

Many people come after Hillary Clinton, including her bodyguards. as Secretary of State: Unknown at this time. as Senator of New York: Kirsten Gillibrand as First Lady of the US: Laura Bush as First Lady of Arkansas: Betty Tucker, and Gay Daniels White

What was Hillary Clinton's former profession before she took up politics full time?

She was an attorney.

Why did you vote for Hillary Clinton Why?

Vote Hillary I am a 13-year-old boy who has been inspired by this '08' Election. With two unbelievable Democratic candidates to choose from, one has truly caught my interest - Hillary Clinton! She has worked for the people for many years. She has helped to make America a better place. She is brave, caring, and giving. Hillary has the skills and experience to lead. She will fight for a new beginning. A time when the 48 million people with no heath care can finally get the help they need, a time when the war will end and a stable economy will begin. We Americans have many problems to solve and Hillary Clinton has solutions. If we vote smart, and work together, we WILL correct our problems. Vote intelligent, vote Hillary '08'.

What is the sexual orientation of Bill Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is straight. She has been married to Bill Clinton for many years, and they have a daughter. She has never had any public relationships with women, or stated that she is a lesbian or bisexual. Calling powerful women lesbians, like it is a derogatory thing, has been a common practice for ages. Hillary Clinton, rather you love her or hate her, is a powerful woman, so these rumors are quite common about her. There are many websites and tabloids popping up with "evidence" of her homosexuality, but until the time that she herself comes up and says that they might be true, they are nothing but rumors.

How can you trust Hillary Clinton when she has violated the convention rule in Florida?

I don't think you could trust her a long time before that.

Where did Hillary and Bill Clinton get married?

William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Diane Rodham were married on October 11, 1975. The Methodist ceremony took place in their own living room.

When was the last time we use the electoral vote?

As of 2017, the last time we use the electoral vote was in 2016. Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election defeating Hillary Clinton. In the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump received 304 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton received 227 electoral votes.

When was Hillary first lady of Arkansas?

Hillary Rodham Clinton became First Lady of Arkansas after her husband Bill won the governor's race in November 1978; she and her husband took office in January 1979. At that time, Hillary kept her name, and used Hillary Rodham, as she continued her work as a lawyer. The decision to keep her name and maintain her career was very controversial with conservative Arkansas voters. When her husband was defeated for reelection, she reconsidered her stance; and when he ran again, she accepted the name of Hillary Clinton (or even Mrs. Bill Clinton). She was Arkansas First Lady for twelve years: the first time, from 1979–81, and then again from 1983–92.