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Q: How many time taken goat become independent?
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When did canada become a independent country?

Are they? In many ways Canada is far from independent. Defense is one.

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What does being the goat mean?

In many cases, when a person is called the goat, they are being referred to as "Greatest Of All Time". GOAT is an acronym that become popular amongst teens last year and is used in a flattering and endearing way.

Many in quebec's large french-speaking population want the province to what?

Become an independent country.

How many bones does a goat's skeleton have?

The skeleton of a goat typically has 189 bones. That is why many dishes made with goat do not contain as much meat as bones.

Can a wether goat breed I have a wether that has mounted one of my does?

If your goat is truly a wether, it cannot breed a doe. Goats, like many other animals, mount each other to demonstrate dominance.However, if your goat was banded to wether him, there is a chance that it was not done properly. When the goat is banded, care must be taken to ensure that both testicles are descended, or one can remain up inside the goat and he will still be able to breed. This is not uncommon. You would be able to feel the testicle inside the goat if you feel where the testicles should be.If you do not feel a testicle in your wether, then it is just typical goat behavior.

How many siblings does a goat have?

A goat can have between 1 and 3 siblings.

How many months will a goat give birth?

With in six months a goat can give birth a baby goat after mating

How many goat babies can 1 goat have?

A goat can have up to 1-4 kids, but the most common is 2

How many voyages had the titanic previously taken?

In 1912, the Titanic had taken her first voyage. It become the last. The answer to question is none.

What kind of goat is a milk goat?

A milk goat is normally a dairy goat of which there are many breeds eg Saanen, Toggenburg, British Alpine, Anglo Nubians