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Q: How many times a month would you meet with your probation officer?
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If the courts know you violated your probation will they alert your probation officer?

It is usually the other way round as the Probation Office is supposed to keep an eye on you as you, at regular times, report to him. If you violated your probation it would be the Probation Officer who would notify the courts.

If the judge tells you to seethe probation officer once a month does the probation officer have the right to tell you to see him every week?

Hi before you go against what your probation officer says, talk to the judge first. Answer You would have to assume that the probation officer has your best interests in mind. Take the extra help and advice and you will come out better in the end.

Do you get a probation officer assigned before or after court?

After. A person is not on probation until they are sentenced to probation by the Court. Why would they get a probation officer until they are sentenced?

I am meeting my probation officer about a month before I actually start probation can the probation officer give me a urine test before I start probation?

This same thing happened to me. I went there thinking that i would be tested, but he actually just asks you a lot of questions. Plus nothing would happen anyway. It's not like they can do anything about it because your probation didn't start.

If a probation officer has a probationer falsely detained and jailed are there consequences for the probation officer?

i would like to know if a probabtion officer has a probationer falsely detained and jaile dare there consequences for the probation officer? and if not how can we report information on a probation officer legally?

Can you travel to Hawaii while on probation in Georgia?

I would call your probation officer to find out.

Can a person serve probation abroad?

I don't think so because one of the requirements of probation is that you are able to be contacted by your probation officer at all times. Phone calls don't count, so I would say probably not.

Before the expiration of the probation you get convicted with forcible touching?

Chances are in this case your probation officer would revoke your probation and you would have to serve time in jail.

If your on probation can you leave your house at the age f 17 in Georgia?

This will depend upon the type of probation that you are on. Many times, when on probation, you can leave the house but must check in with the officer on the required times.

Can you own a bb gun while on probation in New York?

I would ask your Probation officer this question. He would have the best answer.

How can you request a different probation officer if there is a conflict of interest?

You would have to write a letter to the Probation Officer's supervisor requesting a new supervising officer and setting forth what you believe the 'conflict of interest' to be.

Everyone has a Boss who is a probation officers Boss?

Depending on the state it would be the chief probation officer or the judge.