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Most rabbits are very clean animals, in a hutch or pen of adequate size they use one area as a lattrine. That spot needs cleaning at least once a week - use something absorbent to stop the urine seeping away into the rest of the hutch - newspaper or wood shavings for instance. Stale or soiled bedding can then be removed and replaced as needed. Bedding will also be nibbled and reduced to unappetising matchsticks that can be removed and replaced as needed. A complete clean, if the hutch is big enough, needs doing perhaps once per month. Small hutches will need a complete clean weekly. For breeds to the size of Dutch, or a little bigger, a good-sized hutch would be 8 square feet.

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Q: How many times a week do you clean a rabbit hutch?
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How many times should you clean out your huch a week?

I have a 'triangle' in my hutch, and it's basically a plastic triangle that you fill with sawdust and your rabbit pees in it. i suggest you get one of those. i clean my triangle every day, and the newspaper and hay every 2 days.

When can you clean her hutch after she has her babies?

If you are talking about a rabbit, wait for a day or two. When you do clean the cage, leave the babies and all the hair alone. You can check the babies out in a week, to make sur how many and what sex they are.

How many doors does a rabbit hutch need?

If its a double story hutch it will need 3 or 4 doors 2 for the top and 1 or 2 for the bottom. If its a normal one it will need two 1 for the bed part and 1 for the wired part

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When was Hurricane Hutch in Many Adventures created?

Hurricane Hutch in Many Adventures was created in 1924.

What might you put a rabbit in?

If you have a big open space or back yard you should purchase a rabbit hutch or if you wish to keep your rabbit indoors you should purchase a rabbit cage. Whatever you do, make sure you keep the rabbit safe! Rabbits need exercise daily, but there are many dangers to them both inside and outside. It's up to the rabbit owner to control the rabbit's environment. For details, see the related questions below -- they have lots of information and helpful links.

How far away can a rabbit smell?

Well it really depends mostly on how much you care for it/them. The main source of smell is in the hutch or cage, that is why you should clean out your guinea pigs a minimum of three times a week. Obviously all animals can smell whilst doing the toilet but my two male guinea pigs don't give off many bad smells. Hope this helped a bit

How many times a year should I clean outdoor wood decks?

It depends on how dirty it is or how clean you want it to be. It also depend on how much time in a year you can spend to clean your deck. You can clean it as many times as you want though.

What happens if your rabbit isn't moving in its hutch?

If a rabbit isn't moving, that means it's very sick or injured. Many different things could have caused this: the point now is that your bunny needs immediate veterinary attention, or else it will probably die. See the related questions below for details and links.

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How many times a week are you supposed to clean a rabbit cage?

There's more than one routine people follow to keep their rabbit's cage clean. The important thing is to keep the rabbit safe, healthy, and comfortable. Consider these principles: Urine starts to grow ammonia, which is unhealthy and smelly for rabbits and humans, so the litter should be scooped every day. Old hay sitting around becomes dusty and -- if gets wet -- mouldy, both of which are unhealthy for your rabbit, so the hay should be replaced at least once a day. Fur can build up on bedding and in the hay and the rabbit will end up eating some of it, which can be very dangerous. (Rabbits can't vomit fur balls like cats.) Wash or vacuum fabrics, and sweep out fur from the cage, as much as needed -- more when the rabbit is moulting. Water and food should be replaced/replenished twice daily, and the dishes washed once daily -- otherwise, bacteria will grow which can make your rabbit (and you) sick. Aside from that, the entire cage or rabbit area should be kept relatively clean. One routine is to limit daily cleaning and do one big clean every month or so. Other people prefer to do a big more each day and limit big cleans to once or twice a year. Depending on the climate and rabbit's housing, fly strike may be a threat -- if so, you'll need to keep the rabbit's environment extra clean and as dry as possible. You'll also want to inspect the rabbit daily for signs of infestation. It depends on the rabbit but you should try to change it once a fortnight. and fluff the hay if it goes flat. it helps them sleep because it helps make it fluffy!

How many babies does a cottontail rabbit have?

It has about 4-7 babies several times a year.