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Q: How many times can a hummingbird visit one flower and still get nectar?
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What can a hummingbird do?

a hummingbird can drink nectar from flowers, fly 27 miles per hour, flap their wings 80 times per second

What are a humming birds' adaptations that help it survive in its environment?

the hummingbird has a special type of beak like a straw to suck nectar out of a flowers.

Why are petals sometimes brightly coloured?

Flower petals are bright so insets can be attracted to them to collect the flowers nectar. Once the insects have collected the nectar some of the nectar fall and that's how more flower of the same kind grow. SO SOME TIMES YOU DON'T NEED FLOWER SEEDS TO GROW FLOWER'S.

Can I use Raw sugarwith out molasses for hummingbird nectar?

Yes. I have done this several times, and the hummingbirds loved it. Just make sure that the sugar has completely dissolvedbefore you put it out for the birds. Because of their size, a hummingbird could easily choke on a grain of sugar if it was not dissolved.

Is a hummingbird an omnivore?

They feed on the nectar of plants and are important pollinators. However, contrary to popular belief, they at times will eat insects, and collect insects when feeding their young. So they are omnivores.

Why would it be bad if bees stopped collecting nectar to make honey?

Bees collect nectar from flowers. Since one flower has very little nectar, a bee needs to go from flower to flower collecting a little nectar in each blossom. Bees neither notice nor care about pollen, but when they dive into a flower to collect nectar, they are also brushing against the stamens and pistils of the bloom, tracking pollen from blossom to blossom. Stamens and pistils are the sex organs of plants, and pollen is the way plants fertilize each other. So without bees to carry pollen around to the flowers, the flowers wouldn't get fertilized, the plants wouldn't set any fruit, and we'd all starve to death. (and eventually, the plants wouldn't reproduce either.) Well, that's an exaggeration; the wind can also blow pollen from flower to flower, but that's much less efficient than when bees to it.

How may times do tulips flower?

as long as they are alive they will still blossom

How many times can a hummingbird its wing in one second?

Ft 450

What makes a hummingbird special?

If you're talking about what their specialty is sugar water nectar. You can put this in a hummingbird feeder and you should attract them. You can make this nectar by using a 1 to 4 ration. 1 sugar for every 4 water. 1/4 cup sugar and q cup water will make 1 cup nectar.

Why does the hummingbird have to eat often?

hummingbirds have to eat so often because hummingbirds move fast and they flap their wing some many times it makes look like they are floating them It takes lots of energy so they eat nectar

What are hummingbird's relatives?

Their name comes from the fact that they flap their wings so fast (about 80 times per second) that they make a humming noise. Hummingbirds can fly right, left, up, down, backwards, and even upside down. They are also able to hover by flapping their wings in a figure-8 pattern. They have a specialized long and tapered bill that is used to obtain nectar from the center of long, tubular flowers. The hummingbird's feet are used for perching only, and are not used for hopping or walking. Their heart is able to beat up to 100 times per second.

How do hummingbirds wings move differently from those of other birds?

The hummingbird's wings is special because the humming birds wings are the only wings that can rotate backward. Macking the Hummingbird the only bird that can fly backward. They can also flap their wings 15-200 times per second.;)