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Numerous times.. its not something that just happens once and then goes away for good like chicken pox.. I had mono, and I almost caught it again.

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Q: How many times can a person get mono?
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Is it true that mono is only able to be passed to one person?

the meaning of mono is one but mono can be spread to more than one person

How does Mono work?

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How long is mono contageous?

The mono virus is contagious before the person even knows they have the illness; this is called the incubation period. It is contagious the whole time the person has mono.

How does mono 2.4 work?

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If you have mono does that mean the last person you kissed has mono?

Not necessarily. Usually you are contagious 6-8 weeks before you are diagnosed with mono. Therefore if the last person you kissed was within that time frame then there is a pretty good chance that he or she might have mono.

How many is mono?

mono means at the same time. not how many. mono hull in boat terms means one

Mono refers to how many?

Mono refers to one

How do kids get mono?

Yes, your children could get Mono if they have had a blood transfusion or close contact with a person who had Mono.

What did Santana mean on glee when she said I've gotten mono so many times it like stereo?

Mono and stereo are terms often referred to in the use of amplifiers and sound systems. Mono- all sounds through one speaker and Stereo- soundes dispersed throughout multiple speakers

What does mono- and poly- mean?

mono means "one" anp poly means "many."

What do the prefixes mono and poly means?

"mono" means "one," and "poly" means "many."

Can you test positive for mono but not have mono?

Tests for many diseases and other conditions are not 100% reliable.