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If you bought 1,000,000 wings, you could still use them in one game. There is no limit. The only thing is that after you use one, you need to wait a short amount of time before you can use one again.

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Q: How many times can you use wings in Temple Run?
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What are the wings in Temple Run for?

When wearing them and you die they ressurect you.

What are the gems in Temple Run 2 for?

gems are to revive yourself after a fall. They act similar to the revival wings in the original Temple Run

How do you fill the meter 4 times on Temple Run?

first of all, wrong category second, you just have to run and get a lot of coins. im not sure if can use resurrection wings or not. upgrade the magnet and get it during the run....its really not that hard

How do you ressuerct twice on temple run?

After the first resurrection, run for 1,000 meters then the wings reappear to resurrect a second time.

How do you double ressurect in Temple Run?

First you have to get the white wings and they last for thirty seconds. When you have the white wings in die on purpose. Then get the red wings and these wings last forever and die. Now you have doubled resurrected

What are some fun games for iPod?

There is many that i am unsure about but some are Temple run, anrgy birds, tiny wings, doodle jump, oven break,etc.

What does it mean to Resurrect twice in one run on Temple Run?

you purchase a set of life wings you set them off and once you die you keep running in the corner will appear another set of wings which will take a while to use again! :)

How can you get ressurected in Temple Run?

Hi, there are a few steps in being able to resurrect in temple run. 1. visit the temple run store (on the app) 2. scroll down to utilities and buy the wings 3. when running and feel as though in trouble- double tap the screen 4. once wings have appeared you can die and resurrect. hint: they only last about 30 seconds!

Is temple run 2 harder then temple run 1?

i would say that the first one is easier because you have wings and they cost coins, and in temple run 2 you just got diamonds that cost real money and or you could get it randomly on the game but its hard and you barely see one.

When can you get Temple Run on android?

There are many fake temple run apps on the aneroid app store, and there is a fan app for temple run, but the official temple run is supposed to come out soon(march or April)

How do you ressurect on Temple Run?

Buy the wings in the store on temple run then while playing the game you'll see a wing by your score and coins board when you think you're about to die and you've gotten far double tap the screen (anywhere) and you'll see wings fluttering beside you and don't use them nenessisserily

Does the glitch in Temple Run save your distance if it is a high score?

No , it does not. I've tried so many times and it doesn't save. ):