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Q: How many times did Neil Armstrong return to space after the Apollo 11 mission?
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What was Neil Armstrong's first mission in space?

Apollo 11

Which mission neil Armstrong went in Space?

Apollo 11 Apollo 8 Gemini 8 Ranger 8

How old as Neil Armstrong when he went to the moon?

Neil Armstrong was 38 when he went into space on Apollo 11 mission

What was the space ship did neil Armstrong go in?

Neil Armstrong first went into space aboard Gemini 8 in 1966, where he performed the first manned docking of two spacecraft. And also in July 20, 1969 he was the mission commander for the Apollo moon landing.

Who did Neil Armstrong fly with on his first space flight?

David R Scott was in the Gemini VIII capsule along side Neil Armstrong. Scott, like Armstrong went on to command an Apollo mission, and walk on the Moon during the Apollo 15 mission.

Did neil Armstrong go back into space?

No, and he never returned to space again either. He left NASA soon after the moon landing Apollo 11 mission.

Which space shuttle did neil Armstrong land on?

Neil Armstrong never served on a space shuttle mission. He was part of the Apollo Program

.0How were neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin picked for space?

N.a.S.A selected the three of the Apollo astronauts for the moon mission.

What happened to the final Apollo mission?

The final Apollo mission that is Apollo 17, was a successful space mission.

Who came with Neil Armstrong to the moon?

On July 20th, 1969, the Apollo 11 space mission sent Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin onto the moon.

Who planed the Apollo 13 mission?

The Apollo space mission was planed by N.A.S.A.

When was the first apollo mission sent into space?

Apollo 1 was the first manned mission in the Apollo program, launched in February 21, 1967. It never reached space.The first Apollo mission to actually reach space was the Apollo 7 mission.