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Q: How many times did the US Presidents declare war?
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Which is not a way in which American presidents have used executive orders?

One way that American presidents have not used executive orders is to declare war. According to the Constitution, the power to declare war is exclusively given to Congress, not to the President.

How many battles make a war?

The amount of battles does not make the war. The leaders of the countries, or maybe just one, must declare it a war. The "war" in Iraq, for example, involved many battles. Our two presidents during the time did not declare it a war, so it is still not considered a war.

What house has the power to declare war?

Congress decides if our country is in war, and the presidents send the soldiers to defend our freedom.

What was the presidents response after the Japanese bombed pearl harbor?

He asked Congress to declare war on Japan. (they did)

Is declaring war one of the presidents power?

Declaring war is not one of the president's powers. Congress is the only one to have the power to declare war.

Which US house can declare war?

they declare war but the have to ask the president first

How many times did the United States declare war in the years 1900-2000?

if i am correct, i am sure we have declared war about 4 or 5 times. Good question.

Who in the US has the authority to declare war?

Congress. To declare war needs act of Congress. The last time Congress declared war was WW2. Many Presidents get around this to engage in military action by not offically declaring war. In the case of terrorists it is impossible because they don't come from one country and are not offically accepted as a military unit in those countries.

How many presidents did the Cold War last?

8 presidents

What are the presidents' Military and Civil Powers?

The president can give a pardons and he can take anyone he wants out of jail or prison no matter what, and he can also declare war!!

How do you declare war in evony?

you declare war

What are some reasons why the persidents power grown?

Presidents usually do this during times of war or crisis, but Obama recently stated that he can declare martial law during peacetime. Don't ask why, I'm not sure maybe he just wants power.