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Q: How many times did the cockerel crow on Maunday Thursday?
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After Saint Peter denied knowing Christ did the cockerel crow once or did the cockerel crow twice?

The cock crowed three times after Saint Peter denied knowing Christ. This fulfilled Jesus' prediction that Peter would deny him three times before the cock crowed.

What sound does a cockerel make?

Same as any other chicken, although they do crow a lot more and make the 'cock-a-doodle-doo' noise

Will silkie hens crows loud enough disturb neighbors?

No, silkie HENS won't crow loud enough to disturb the neighbours but the male, the cockerel, certainly will. one of my silkies seems to think 4.20am is a fine time to wake me, good job I don't have any neighbours.

How many times a year does a crow lay eggs?


How do you tell if I have a rooster?

Some breeds, known as sex links, can be sexed at birth however the methods vary depending on the breed. Generally speaking, the combs of the roosters will be larger than that of hens of the same breed. By the time a rooster is about 4-6 months old you should hear them crow, which is the one way to tell for sure as hen don't crow.

What happens when a crow crows 3 times?

some say that if a crow crows over 3 times in less than 3 seconds its a sign that something horrible is going to happen to you or someone you know.

Why chicken making sound every morning?

Roosters crow in order to show other roosters that it is their territory. It is said that roosters crow in the morning but researchers have observed that they crow at all the times whether it is morning, afternoon or in the evening.

Why do roosters crow?

Cock is the short form of the word cockerel which is a young immature rooster. The term cock is used for many species of male birds.

Do young roosters get along with older hens?

Young roosters are fairly gregarious and the pullets are not happy with his attentions. They are putting him in his place. You may have heard the expression "rules the roost" It is actually the girls (hens) who lay down the law, not just the eggs. The cockerel will soon learn the pecking order.

What does the poem crow in a strong wind mean?

The phrase "crow in a strong wind" may suggest resilience or adaptability in the face of adversity. Just like how a crow can still fly strongly in harsh winds, this can symbolize perseverance and strength during challenging times.

What is a crow but is not the bird crow?

martin crow

How many Crow species are there?

Many species including the American crow, fish crow, carrion crow, hooded crow.