

How many times do bath a Chinese dwarf hamster?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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You shouldn't give a hamster a bath it can give it a chill and die.Unless your hamster is really dirty.So please be careful.Use non tear shampoo if nessary.

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Q: How many times do bath a Chinese dwarf hamster?
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It is different for every hamster.

How long will it take until my Chinese dwarf hamster learns to roll in its dust bath?

im not sure that chinese dwarfs are meant to have dust baths! sorry!

How long does it take until a Chinese dwarf hamster learns to roll in its dust bath?

it should know immediately coz its in its instinct

Can you give dwarf robo hamster baths?

Yes you can give most hamsters baths, but there are a few very important rules. . Make sure the water is not to warm and not to cold. . don't fill up the sink (or what ever thing your giving your hamster a bath in) to high. . If your hamster can not swim (usually hamsters will swim) then take them out of the bath imidietly because it might drown.

Can you take a bath a hamster?


What do you clean your hamster with?

Hamsters cannot be cleaned. They should NEVER be put under water unless it is a emergency (ex. They walk into and acidic fluid). You can provide then with a dust/sand bath. This will give them a fluffier coat that smells good. Syrian hamsters don't usually like dust baths, so it is better to get it for a dwarf hamster. There is a wide variety of hamster dust bath dust and Chinchilla Sand that can be used.

Can you take a dwarf hamster a bath?

Only if it is absolutly neccesary. It is not advised as hamsters can catch a chill if they are not dried properly using a towel. You also should make sure that the water is not to deep.

Can you give a hamster a bath if it is stinky?

no. My friend's cousin tried it and their hamster died.

Can I take a bath for my dwarf hamster?

yes you can but be careful as don't get the water into their head,eyes and ears that's all uhave to take note the rest of its body can come in contact with water :D

What if you bath your hamster what will happen?

You do not want to put your hamster in water, it could drown. To give a hamster a ''bath'' you can use a barely damp wash cloth and stroke it down it's body.

How do you give a male robo dwarf hamster a bath?

Its really not advisable to bath your hamster as there is a high chance it could catch a chill. If you absolutely must, then make sure the water is only lukewarm. place the hamster in a shallow bowl and use a little bit of gentle shampoo. Despite many sites claiming that hamsters can swim they actually can't. When they look like they are swimming, they are actually struggling. Make the bath as quick as possible. Do not let the hamsters face get submerged. Once you are done towel dry the hamster. What ever you do, don't try drying it with a hairdryer. You really should only do this if the hamster really needs it.

Can you give a teddybear hamster a bath?

you can.... but it is not good for them. your hamster will hate it. they are self clean animals.