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It is twice that Dorothy's last name is said during the sepia sequence in "The Wizard of Oz."

Specifically, the sepia sequence takes place at the film's beginning and end. Two characters say Dorothy's last name during the beginning sequence in sepia. The farm hand Hunk calls Aunt Em "Mrs. Gale." The schoolteacher, Miss Almira Gulch, addresses Uncle Henry as "Mr. Gale."

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Nineteen (19) is the number of times that Dorothy's name is said during the beginning sequence in sepia in the movie "The Wizard of Oz."

Specifically, Aunt Em calls Dorothy's name 12 times. Miss Almira Gulch and the farm hands Hickory and Zeke each say Dorothy's name once. The Uncle Henry and the farm hand Hickory each use Dorothy's name twice.

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Q: How many times do they say Dorothy's last name during the sepia sequence in 'The Wizard of Oz'?
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What is the exposition in 'The Wizard of Oz'?

The beginning sequence in sepia is the exposition of the movie version of "The Wizard of Oz."Specifically, the exposition also is called the introduction. It includes necessary information about the main character and about the geographical and temporal settings. It ends with the inciting incident because of which there is a story. The exposition therefore begins and ends with the beginning sequence in sepia in Kansas.

How many minutes of the film 'The Wizard of Oz' are in black and white?

Just under 20 minutes of the film are sepia in "The Wizard of Oz."Specifically, the film's beginning and ending sequences are not in color. Viewers often call them the black and white sequences even though the correct term is sepia. The beginning sequence lasts 17 minutes 34 seconds while the ending sequence just lasts 2 minutes.

Was the original Wizard of Oz in color?

The 1925 version was in black and white . The 1939 version was filmed in both sepia tone and color.

When were sepia pictures invented?

Sepia picture was first taken or created in the beginning of 1880s. This was produced by adding a dye called as 'sepia' which is formed of sepia officinalis cuttlefish found in the English Channel.

Was the original 'The Wizard of Oz' in color?

Yes and no. The original, beloved 1939 film version of 'The Wizard of Oz' gave a black and white effect through sepia techniques in the opening and closing scenes. In between, the scenes in the beautiful, enchanted, magical land of Oz were in color.The orizinal Wizard of Oz was "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" released in 1910. It was Black and White.

Related questions

What is the exposition in 'The Wizard of Oz'?

The beginning sequence in sepia is the exposition of the movie version of "The Wizard of Oz."Specifically, the exposition also is called the introduction. It includes necessary information about the main character and about the geographical and temporal settings. It ends with the inciting incident because of which there is a story. The exposition therefore begins and ends with the beginning sequence in sepia in Kansas.

Was the Wizard of Oz first produced in color?

No, it was first shot in sepia-color, which is closer to black and white rather than full color.CorrectionThe opening sequence of the film was made using sepia-color, but when Dorothy lands in Oz the film switches to full Technicolor. This was done intentionally for artistic effect. There was no "colorizing" involved!

How many minutes of the film 'The Wizard of Oz' are in black and white?

Just under 20 minutes of the film are sepia in "The Wizard of Oz."Specifically, the film's beginning and ending sequences are not in color. Viewers often call them the black and white sequences even though the correct term is sepia. The beginning sequence lasts 17 minutes 34 seconds while the ending sequence just lasts 2 minutes.

How was 'The Wizard of Oz' made?

In sepia tone and Technicolor is how "The Wizard of Oz" was made.Specifically, the beginning and ending sequences in the beloved 1939 movie version were shot in sepia tone, which looked black-and-white on black-and-white television sets. The in-between sequences were intended to represent the vibrantly colorful land of Oz. They were filmed in Technicolor.

What is the inky secretion of the cuttlefish?

sepia sepia

Were the color scenes in The Wizard of Oz recolored?

No. The 1925 version was filmed in black and white and remained that way. The 1939 version was filmed in sepia tone (Kansas) and colour (Oz).

What is the color of sepia?

Sepia is a deep brown colour.

Was the original Wizard of Oz in color?

The 1925 version was in black and white . The 1939 version was filmed in both sepia tone and color.

When was Portrait in Sepia created?

Portrait in Sepia was created in 2000.

When was Sepia Cinderella created?

Sepia Cinderella was created in 1947.

When was Sepia novaehollandiae created?

Sepia novaehollandiae was created in 1909.

When was Sepia latimanus created?

Sepia latimanus was created in 1832.