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Why does my cat fart?

Are you sure it is your cat farting, or is someone blaming your cat? Humans very frequently blame their pets for farting when really it was the human that stunk up the room!

Cats do fart! If it was indeed your cat that farted, he probably farted for the same reasons that human beings fart. Your cat most likely is not digesting food properly. This could be influenced by diet as well as the health of the digestive system. Some foods take longer to digest than others and may ferment in the stomach or intestines, causing a build up of gas.

How can I stop my cat from farting?

You probably cannot stop your cat from farting, just like you cannot stop yourself from farting. However, you can probably reduce the frequency that your cat farts, or perhaps reduce the level of stink! You can reduce the amount of gas that your cat needs to pass by feeding a high quality food. You can also restrict milk intake because the lactose in milk can contribute to any digestive problem. If you let your cat outside, your cat may be eating other sources of food such as birds, mice, and bugs. This could be another reason why your cat is farting!

Farting is indeed normal, but why does my cats farts stink so bad?

Cats are carnivores and are generally on a diet rich in protein. Protein-rich diets produce small amounts of intensely stinky gas because proteins contain lots of sulfur. Because there is only a small amount of gas, your cat's farts are probably silent most of the time. Silent but deadly, of course!

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as many times it wants (beware the stink)

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probably like 2 times a day

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The phrase "cat fart" in French is pronounced as [poot duh shat].

What does a cat fart?

well why do you fart? to pass gas, natural part of life, you have to fart to live

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Yes big cats can fart in fact any cat or animal can fart.

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Calpol, paracetamol, aspirin and other human medicines should never be given to a cat. A cat is many times smaller than a human, thus there are differences in metabolisms. Even a tiny dose of human medicine can comparatively be a very large dose to a cat, and can be fatal.

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F*ck you, Thats why

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ummmmm. be really flexible or copy your cat or dog.

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As many times as much the cat wants to eat, although house cats are usually fed two to three times a day to prevent the cat overeating.

Can you give a cat a small dosage of doxcycyline?

Yes you can as long as its a very small dose because a big dose can kill the cat.

Dose a tabby cat lat eggs?

No. No cat lays eggs.