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The Earth never collapsed. In the beginning of formation (about 4.6 billion years ago), however, it is theorized that a protoplanet, the size of Mars, sideswiped the Earth and caused a portion of both to break apart. The pieces came together and formed the Moon. It is also theorized that the Earth became a snow ball twice. There were also asteroid impacts on Earth, some severe enough to end most of life, but the Earth itself stayed intact.

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How many times the earth collapsed?

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If earth's gravitational field collapses for a few seconds then what worst or best can happen?

I am assuming that you meant 'If Earth's magnetic field collapsed for a few seconds' If that's the case then nothing much would happen here on Earth. But if it collapsed for a long time, the Earth would loose it's atmosphere and every living thing on Earth would die. If you are really asking what would happen if the Earth's gravitational field collapsed, then we would be floating around in the air and then come, hopefully, back gently on land again.