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The phrase "children of Israel" appears in 604 verses of the KJV bible.

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Q: How many times is children of Israel mentioned in the Bible?
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How many times is israel is mentioned in the bible?

Approximately 2575 times

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Approximately 2575 times

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AnswerThis phrase is never mentioned in the King James Version of the Bible.

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It is found 2045 times

How many times israel is mentioned in bible?

The words Israel, Israelite or Israel's are mentioned in the Bible over 2,000 times. Additionally, Note the word Israel and Jerusalem are often used interchangeably. Also context is important. Israel and Jerusalem sometimes refers to the land itself and most often to the people of the land. Israel also refers to the Jacob (son of Isaac) who had his name changed to Israel.

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Israel comes up around 70-80 times in the Qur'an, but only in the phrase "Children of Israel" / Bani Isra'il (بني إسرائيل). The country of Israel/Palestine is never mentioned and the Patriarch "Israel" is always referred to as Jacob / Ya'aqob (يعقوب).

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