

How many times larger are the planets of the solar system?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Mercury's volume is equivalent to 0.056 x Earths

Venus' volume = 0.857 x Earths

(Earth) volume = 1 x Earths

Mars' volume = 0.151 x Earths

Jupiter's volume = 1321.3 x Earths

Saturn's volume = 763.59 x Earths

Uranus' volume = 63.086 x Earths

Neptune's volume = 57.74 x Earths

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Q: How many times larger are the planets of the solar system?
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Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar System so any of the other planets could fit inside a volume the size of Jupiter, some of them many times over.

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The planets of our solar system were formed at different times, the earth is known to have formed as a planet about 4.6 billion years ago but other planets in the solar system may have formed earlier or later as they were quite conceivably not formed in the same manner as the earth

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Jupiter has the greatest mass of all planets in the Solar System. Its mass is about 1.9x 1027 kg which is about 318 times greater than that of the Earth. The planet with the largest mass in our solar system is by far Jupiter, although larger planets are now known to exist elsewhere.

Is there a particular planet which has a mountain that is the size of the earth?

Not in our solar system. The Earth is a terrestrial planet, it has a clear terrain or surface, unlike the four large outer gas planets - which dont have mountains. The Earth is the largest of the four terrestrial planets, so a mountain larger than the Earth in our solar system cant be so. The great red spot of Jupiter is three times the size of Earth.

Could all the planets fit into the sun?

Yes, all the planets in our solar system could fit inside the sun. The sun is about 1.3 million times bigger in volume than Earth. The planets, even the largest one (Jupiter), are much smaller in comparison.

Are the inner planets large and have rocky surfaces?

The best answer to the question as stated is "no".Until recently, in the only planetary system we had any knowledge the inner planets as rocky, and that led to the conjecture that proximity to the central star would drive away most of the gas and prevent gas giants from forming there.We now know that "hot Jupiters" are surprisingly common, and it may just be a coincidence that, in the Solar system, the inner planets happen to be rocky.However, while the inner planets in the Solar system are rocky, they are not "large"; the largest of the inner planets is 5th in a system of 8 ... and it's not a close 5th, either. The smallest of the outer planets is many times larger than the largest of the inner planets.

Who is head of the solar system?

The main object in the solar system is the Sun. It has about 1000 times the mass of the largest planet, Jupiter; Jupiter, in turn, has more mass than all the other planets combined.

What makes the planets orbit the sun?

The sun is more than a thousand times as massive as all other matter in the solar system combined. It is the resulting solar gravity that keeps all the planets in their orbits.

Which object in your solar system is more than 700 times more massive than the eight planets combined?

The most massive object in most solar systems is the sun, which is the central star. Since stars differ in mass, and each star has something different orbiting it, most stars will be larger or smaller than 700x the mass of the bodies orbiting them. In the solar system of which Earth is a part, there are 18 planets, which all orbit the star Sol.