

How many tones does a C major scale have?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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All major scales follow the pattern - tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone. Therefore, C major has 5 tones and 2 semitones.

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Q: How many tones does a C major scale have?
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How many tones in a major scale?

Let's do C major. C D E F G A B. So there are 7. If you count the octave (C), then 8. This is the same with any major scale.

What scale usually has 5 tones instead of seven?

If I am using a C major pentatonic scale, I may only use C, D, E, G, and A. Five tones.

What is a semi-tone and tone?

my best friend is Hannah sorry. I thought I was answering a musical question. A tone is a whole step, as in from C to D on the C Major scale, while a Semi-Tone is a half step, as in C to C# on the C Major Scale. The Major scale also contains half steps or semi-tones, in C major the are from E to F and from B to C

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The notes for A major are A B C# D E F# G# A.

What is a C Major Scale?

C major is a major scale starting from C.

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There are no sharps or flats in C Major.

How many tones are on an octave scale on the piano?

That depends on whether it's a conventional scale or a different type of scale like a pentatonic scale [which ironically has 3 tones]. Most scales, from Do to Do, have five tones. For those who don't learn notes as do, re and mi, I mean from C to C etc. Oh, and also, I'm not sure why you specified the piano, as scales are just notes, therefore playable on any instrument in the same way. Though admittedly, it's easier to work out if you know the layout of a keyboard. _____________________________________________________ I assume you are asking about a major or minor scale, but there are different types, and how many tones also depends on if you count the high note above with the same letter as the lowest note. In a traditional MAJOR SCALE (a.k.a. Ionian), there are seven different letter names (and usually an eighth note is added with the same letter name, an octave higher than the first). If you start on C, the major scale is C, D, E, F, G, A, B (and C for the eighth note). You can start on any note, but you will get different letters). A pentatonic scale has FIVE tones (if you start on C, then the notes are C, D, E, G, A.... and again C which would make 6 tones if you count the high note). There are many other scales, but this should answer your question. ______________________________________________________ If we speak about TONES (not notes), there are 12 semitones, that is 6 tones between for example C and C of a higher octave in a standard major scale.

What is a a tone?

my best friend is Hannah sorry. I thought I was answering a musical question. A tone is a whole step, as in from C to D on the C Major scale, while a Semi-Tone is a half step, as in C to C# on the C Major Scale. The Major scale also contains half steps or semi-tones, in C major the are from E to F and from B to C

What is the third solfege syllables in a major scale?

7 notes are in the major scale. Example: The C major scale would be C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C again, which is 8 notes when played, but technically the C wouldn't be counted twice so you only end up with 7 different tones. The G major scale would be the same and so on. Example: G, A, B, C, D, E, F#(G)

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What does diatonic mean?

In musical terms, it makes reference to using only the 7 tones of the standard scale ... thus: C, D, E, F, G, A and B (in a C major scale) The chromatic notes (sharps/flats) are not used.

What is c major scale?

The C major scale is: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.