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Q: How many tons of sulfur are consumed in the production of 89 tons of sulfuric acid?
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Sulfur is mined chiefly for the production of?

Sulfuric acid

What is sulfur dioxide oxidation?

Sulfur dioxide followed by its hydration is used in the production of sulfuric acid.

What is the main use of sulfur?

Sulfur is used in gun powder and other explosives.

What is another way that sulfur is used?

Sulfur is used in the production of matches, explosives, sulfuric acid, and tires.

How is sulfuric acid related to acid?

Sulfuric Acid is an oxoacid of sulfur and is made of Hydrogen, Sulfur and Oxygen. It is produced by burning sulfur in air to produce Sulfur Dioxide, and then oxidizing the Sulfur Dioxide to Sulfur Trioxide. Sulfuric Acid can then be made from Sulfur Trioxide.

How and why is sulfur connected to sulfuric acid?

Sulfuric acid formula is H2SO4.

How is sulfur relate to sulfuric acid?

sulfuric acid is the kind of acid in acid rain sometimesAnswer:Acid rain contains sulfuric and sulfurous acid. The concentration os much lower than laboratory supplies of sulfuric acid

How does sulfuric acid turn into acid rain?

Sulfur dioxide from industry and car exhaust combines with the water in clouds to form sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid bubbled into water produces sulfuric acid, and this method is even used in the production of sulfuric acid, known as the contact process. This process basically occurs nearly the same way in the clouds, and the resulting acid falls as acid rain.

How do you form oleum from sulfuric acid?

Dissolve excess Sulfur trioxide in concentrated Sulfuric acid

Is sulfuric acid a metal?

No, not strictly speaking. Sulfuric acid is a mineral acid. It is made by reacting Sulfur Trioxide with water. Sulfur Trioxide IS a non-metal oxide.

What do sulfur and sulfuric acid have in common?

They both contain the element Sulfur

Is sulfuric acid a compound or an element?

Sulfuric acid is a compound as are all acids.