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Q: How many tornadoes did Bangladesh have in all?
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How many tornadoes have there been in Bangladesh?

That is difficult to determine as Bangladesh is a relatively poor country and does not have official record keeping of tornadoes. One source, though, states that Bangladesh experiences 9 intense tornadoes each year. This usually refers to tornadoes of EF2 strength or greater, which make up about 20% of all tornadoes. So one might guess that Bangladesh gets about 45 tornadoes in an average year.

Do tornadoes hit in Asia?

Yes. Tornadoes occur on all continents except Antarctica. The world's deadliest tornado was one that struck Bangladesh in 1989.

What other country besides the US gets tornadoes?

Almost all countries can get tornadoes, though they are more common in some than in others. A fee countries besides the U.S. with high tornado activity include Canada, Australia, Bangladesh, South Africa, and Argentina.

Are the American tornadoes the worst in the world?

They are generally the strongest but not necessarily the worst. The two deadliest tornadoes on record ocurred in Bangladesh. The tornadoes in Bangladesh are not necessarily stronger than thoese in the United States, but the lack of a warning system, high population density, poor construction methods, and a high rate of poverty in Bangladesh excacerbate the effects of natural disasters such as tornadoes.

Where were tornadoes in 2011?

There were tornadoes in too many locations to count in 2011. In the U.S. alone there were 1692 tornadoes in the U.S. touching down in places from California to Maine, claiming 550 lives. There have been more tornadoes in other countries, including killer tornadoes in Bangladesh, The Philippines, and New Zealand.

Did India have a tornado?

Yes. India has had tornadoes. They are most common in the areas near Bangladesh.

Are there tornadoes in Europe or Asia?

Yes. In Europe in the past there were 8 tornadoes that reached the F5 or EF5 rank. Bangladesh,China,Philippines and Japan are the country with more tornadoes in the continent. Bangladesh is the country with the most death in the world due to the tornadoes, infact 18 of the 42 tornadoes that have caused more death in the world occured in Bangladesh, among them also the first (Daultipur and Salturia F5 Tornado that killed 1300 people in 1989). Some EF3 or EF4 tornadoes also occured in Japan killing several people.

How many municipals in Bangladesh?

All towns in Bangladesh have its own Municipality.

How many states have had tornadoes?

All 50 states have had tornadoes.

What areas are often affected by tornadoes?

Tornadoes often occur in the Central and Southern United States, portions of India and Bangladesh, and Argentina.

Does all America get tornadoes?

All 50 states get tornadoes though they are rare in many of the states.

What country along with us has a lot of tornadoes?

High instances of tornadoes have been observed in Canada, Australia, India, Bangladesh, and, surprisingly, the UK.