

How many trees does it take to make gum?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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ya none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!du

-loves Cherokee

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Q: How many trees does it take to make gum?
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What gum trees look like?

well the trunk on gum trees is very thin like imagine Paris Hilton as a tree and well there are little buds on the trees they are green like a grannysmith apples and they take them and can make gum out of it.Ha ha that is soooooooooooooo not true lol :) anyway a gum tree is very thin usually and people start spitting out their gum and sticking it on the tree. Over time the tree is almost covered in gum of different colors. It's kinda gross if you ask me! :)

How do you make a turpentine still?

Distill the gum (not sap) from Pine trees.

Is gum trees toxic?

gum doesnt grow on trees, silly!

How did Wrigley make his gum?

Chewing sweet gum resin from trees or chicle rubber from chicle trees predates recorded history, but the first person to industrialize the process with flavored gum base was probably William Wrigley.

What trees were the source of the gum that the gum diggers searched for in the 1800s?

If you are talking about gum diggers in NZ, answer is Kauri trees.

Was gum ever made from gum trees or sweet gum trees?

Yes. The pioneers scraped the sap from the bark and used it as chewing gum

What are gum leaves?

Gum leaves are leaves from the Eucalyptus tree. Australians commonly refer to Eucalyptus trees as gum trees.

How long do gum trees live for?

Gum trees on average live to be 400 to 900 years old. However, some gum trees can live to be much older than this.

How do you make mint flavored gum?

Find a package of gum and take it out. Then you have mint flavored gum! Ta Da!

What are white eucalyptus trees called?

They are known as gum trees because many species excude copious sap from any

What are gum made of?
